Today, people will try just about anything to lose weight. In this country alone, their are millions of people with the need to lose weight. Don't believe it? Take a look at the billions, yes billions of dollars that are spent every year in the pursuit of weight loss.
Over the years, a great many weight loss programs have been developed. Recent programs that have been popular encouraged cutting down on carbs, while increasing your consumption of high protein foods. Others recommend a diet program that is exactly the opposite.
Do people really benefit from these "fad" weight loss programs? Well, some do, and some don't. One person may lose 40 pounds with one of these diets, while another may only loose 15 pounds, or less. Why the difference? The answer is simple really, everyone’s metabolism is different, and will act differently even when on the same diet. Genetics also are another factor in the battle to lose weight.
Is there one "fad" weight loss program that can be considered better than the others? No! When it comes to these type of weight loss solutions, a person can only test them, and hope for the best. It is wise to consult with your doctor before starting on any unsupervised weight loss program.
The right weight loss program has been right under our nose all along. We are familiar with it, but we ignore what we know in the pursuit of the "holy grail" of fast weight loss. We must accept the fact that we need to control our food intake, that is by eating less, and making better choices in the food that we do eat.
However, this is only one of the difficult steps we choose to ignore concerning weight loss. The other requires that you combine your disciplined diet with regular exercise. Why do we resist what we know is the answer to our weight loss problem? Because it requires a sustained effort resulting in permanent lifestyle changes. It does not offer us a quick fix, and as a result we don't give the only real safe weight loss program a chance.
Weight loss is attainable, and can be done safely. Start by talking to your doctor who can recommend a safe and effective weight loss program, as well as monitor your overall health during your diet. There will be times when the doctor will recommend a dietitian to help with the creation of a nutritious and healthy eating plan.
Regular exercise is essential, and this is another area that requires a consultation with your doctor. It is important to only undertake an exercise program that is safe for you as an individual. Should you decide to enroll in a gym, the exercise recommendations provided by your doctor should also be mentioned to the physical trainer at the gym. Combining the benefits of your doctors recommendations, along with the dietitian, and the trainer at the gym will give you the best chance at a safe, and successful weight loss program.
There will be a variety of exercises available to try. These exercises fall into two categories anaerobic, and aerobic. Anaerobic exercise is comprised of short exertion, high-intensity, strength based activities, such as sprinting, or weight lifting. Aerobic exercise is centered around endurance activities. These lower intensity activities will include walking, running, swimming, or cycling.
Everyone on a weight loss program should regularly check their weight in order to monitor their progress. This monitoring will reveal whether or not everything is going as planned, or perhaps some adjustments to the program need to be made.
When your desired weight loss goal has been achieved, the emphasis falls on weight maintenance. This means the continuation of a healthy diet plan, and exercise.
Someone who is overweight will not, and should not expect to, lose all those extra pounds overnight. It will take some time, but with a healthy diet, and regular exercise, you will have found the right weight loss program.
Carl DiNello is an Article Author whose articles are featured on websites covering the Internet's most popular topics.
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