Christianity is about self-control and a willingness to allow God to work in your life, to live, so to speak, through you for the world to see. Christianity is about being what God would have each of us to be and using the resources God has given to each of us to fully live for Him. These resources include our relationships, our finances, our abilities and talents, and our bodies. These same principles used in Christianity should apply to your Christian weight loss program.
If given a new car or some other valuable possession, few of us would consider doing anything that we know would damage the gift. Few of us would consider purposely running the car without oil in the crankcase or without water in the radiator.
Our bodies are no less a valuable gift from God. And that gift, just like a new car, a house, or a motorcycle, requires care. That care comes in the form of feeding it, maintaining it and regularly taking it out for a spin around the block, so to speak.
However, many of us, if not most of us, do not practice what might be called good stewardship with our bodies. In fact, if the truth be told, many of us practice what amounts to vandalism. A Christian weight loss program will counteract this.
The normal human body is designed to operate within specific weight ranges. If we exceed that range, the body is going to suffer damage. If we weigh too much (too far over the weight each individual is best suited for), we run into problems with our knees, our back, and our ankles. We also run into endochrinological issues as well. While the relationship is not exactly understood, there definitely seems to be a link between Type 2 diabetes and excessive weight, especially excessive weight resulting from a sedentary lifestyle fueled by a poor diet high in carbohydrates and low in useful nutrients and building materials.
In addition to diabetes, being overweight brings in the threat of high blood pressure, heart disease, kidney disease, blindness, and a host of other very unpleasant and debilitating maladies. All of this would seem to be sufficient reason to eat right, exercise, and keep your body (that brand new, or sometimes not so brand new car) in top condition. But knowing something is bad for you and staying away from that bad thing are two different things this is where a Christian weight loss program may help. Consider for instance, the fact that there are so many real live Christians who are simply grossly overweight and flirting with all of the maladies we just described.
So why are there so many overweight Christians – aside from the fact that they eat too much and live sedentary lifestyles? Why is the ratio of overweight Christians to normal Christians the same if not worse than the ratio of overweight non-believers to normal non-believers? One possibility is that many Christians see no relationship between what they profess as Christians and how they live.
The Bible says self-control is a mark of a maturing Christian. Self-control should show itself not only in how we relate to others but also how good a steward we are of the body God has given us start your own Christian weight loss program today.
I honestly believe that your faith can be a great tool in effectly managing many of lifes problems and effective weight loss is a very human problem in todays society. If you are interested in exploring the possiblities and gaining real results I insist you check out a friends site at Christian Weight Loss Program Thankyou and all the best
Weight Loss Links
Thursday, November 23, 2006
Thursday, November 16, 2006
The Right Weight Loss Program
Today, people will try just about anything to lose weight. In this country alone, their are millions of people with the need to lose weight. Don't believe it? Take a look at the billions, yes billions of dollars that are spent every year in the pursuit of weight loss.
Over the years, a great many weight loss programs have been developed. Recent programs that have been popular encouraged cutting down on carbs, while increasing your consumption of high protein foods. Others recommend a diet program that is exactly the opposite.
Do people really benefit from these "fad" weight loss programs? Well, some do, and some don't. One person may lose 40 pounds with one of these diets, while another may only loose 15 pounds, or less. Why the difference? The answer is simple really, everyone’s metabolism is different, and will act differently even when on the same diet. Genetics also are another factor in the battle to lose weight.
Is there one "fad" weight loss program that can be considered better than the others? No! When it comes to these type of weight loss solutions, a person can only test them, and hope for the best. It is wise to consult with your doctor before starting on any unsupervised weight loss program.
The right weight loss program has been right under our nose all along. We are familiar with it, but we ignore what we know in the pursuit of the "holy grail" of fast weight loss. We must accept the fact that we need to control our food intake, that is by eating less, and making better choices in the food that we do eat.
However, this is only one of the difficult steps we choose to ignore concerning weight loss. The other requires that you combine your disciplined diet with regular exercise. Why do we resist what we know is the answer to our weight loss problem? Because it requires a sustained effort resulting in permanent lifestyle changes. It does not offer us a quick fix, and as a result we don't give the only real safe weight loss program a chance.
Weight loss is attainable, and can be done safely. Start by talking to your doctor who can recommend a safe and effective weight loss program, as well as monitor your overall health during your diet. There will be times when the doctor will recommend a dietitian to help with the creation of a nutritious and healthy eating plan.
Regular exercise is essential, and this is another area that requires a consultation with your doctor. It is important to only undertake an exercise program that is safe for you as an individual. Should you decide to enroll in a gym, the exercise recommendations provided by your doctor should also be mentioned to the physical trainer at the gym. Combining the benefits of your doctors recommendations, along with the dietitian, and the trainer at the gym will give you the best chance at a safe, and successful weight loss program.
There will be a variety of exercises available to try. These exercises fall into two categories anaerobic, and aerobic. Anaerobic exercise is comprised of short exertion, high-intensity, strength based activities, such as sprinting, or weight lifting. Aerobic exercise is centered around endurance activities. These lower intensity activities will include walking, running, swimming, or cycling.
Everyone on a weight loss program should regularly check their weight in order to monitor their progress. This monitoring will reveal whether or not everything is going as planned, or perhaps some adjustments to the program need to be made.
When your desired weight loss goal has been achieved, the emphasis falls on weight maintenance. This means the continuation of a healthy diet plan, and exercise.
Someone who is overweight will not, and should not expect to, lose all those extra pounds overnight. It will take some time, but with a healthy diet, and regular exercise, you will have found the right weight loss program.
Carl DiNello is an Article Author whose articles are featured on websites covering the Internet's most popular topics.
To read more on this topic, please visit Weight Loss Solutions!
Over the years, a great many weight loss programs have been developed. Recent programs that have been popular encouraged cutting down on carbs, while increasing your consumption of high protein foods. Others recommend a diet program that is exactly the opposite.
Do people really benefit from these "fad" weight loss programs? Well, some do, and some don't. One person may lose 40 pounds with one of these diets, while another may only loose 15 pounds, or less. Why the difference? The answer is simple really, everyone’s metabolism is different, and will act differently even when on the same diet. Genetics also are another factor in the battle to lose weight.
Is there one "fad" weight loss program that can be considered better than the others? No! When it comes to these type of weight loss solutions, a person can only test them, and hope for the best. It is wise to consult with your doctor before starting on any unsupervised weight loss program.
The right weight loss program has been right under our nose all along. We are familiar with it, but we ignore what we know in the pursuit of the "holy grail" of fast weight loss. We must accept the fact that we need to control our food intake, that is by eating less, and making better choices in the food that we do eat.
However, this is only one of the difficult steps we choose to ignore concerning weight loss. The other requires that you combine your disciplined diet with regular exercise. Why do we resist what we know is the answer to our weight loss problem? Because it requires a sustained effort resulting in permanent lifestyle changes. It does not offer us a quick fix, and as a result we don't give the only real safe weight loss program a chance.
Weight loss is attainable, and can be done safely. Start by talking to your doctor who can recommend a safe and effective weight loss program, as well as monitor your overall health during your diet. There will be times when the doctor will recommend a dietitian to help with the creation of a nutritious and healthy eating plan.
Regular exercise is essential, and this is another area that requires a consultation with your doctor. It is important to only undertake an exercise program that is safe for you as an individual. Should you decide to enroll in a gym, the exercise recommendations provided by your doctor should also be mentioned to the physical trainer at the gym. Combining the benefits of your doctors recommendations, along with the dietitian, and the trainer at the gym will give you the best chance at a safe, and successful weight loss program.
There will be a variety of exercises available to try. These exercises fall into two categories anaerobic, and aerobic. Anaerobic exercise is comprised of short exertion, high-intensity, strength based activities, such as sprinting, or weight lifting. Aerobic exercise is centered around endurance activities. These lower intensity activities will include walking, running, swimming, or cycling.
Everyone on a weight loss program should regularly check their weight in order to monitor their progress. This monitoring will reveal whether or not everything is going as planned, or perhaps some adjustments to the program need to be made.
When your desired weight loss goal has been achieved, the emphasis falls on weight maintenance. This means the continuation of a healthy diet plan, and exercise.
Someone who is overweight will not, and should not expect to, lose all those extra pounds overnight. It will take some time, but with a healthy diet, and regular exercise, you will have found the right weight loss program.
Carl DiNello is an Article Author whose articles are featured on websites covering the Internet's most popular topics.
To read more on this topic, please visit Weight Loss Solutions!
Friday, November 03, 2006
Most Effective Weight Loss Program
What is the most effective Weight loss program? Are you finding it difficult to stay motivated? Are your diet and exercise programs not working for you? Are you struggling to lose weight? It’s essential to have a plan for proper nutrition and regular exercise, but there’s a one more thing you need to lose weight fast and maintain your ideal body weight. That thing is to win the “mental game” of weight control. Even if you don’t know, your thoughts influence your eating habits, your cravings, and your attitude toward exercise.
For example one of the most efficient weight loss programs is audio program that control your weight through special sounds and help you to achieve rapid and permanent weight loss. Deeply engrained, subconscious thoughts and beliefs – also known as “self-talk” – are what determine your eating and exercise habits. If these thoughts are negative, they can result in a negative, overweight self-image and self-destructive behavior.
What Does a Weight-Loss Program the “Most Effective”?
• That program must be safe. Does not matter if you create your own program or use a commercial one, all you have to do is to be sure it’s safe. A safe diet should include all of the recommended daily allowances for vitamins, minerals and protein. A weight-loss diet should not be low in essential vitamins or minerals, only in calories.
• With an efficient program you will have a slow steady weight-loss, and for this you should not worry about your weight. Because when you get ride of the fat it won’t come back. Expect to lose only about a pound a week after the first week or two. With many calorie-restricted diets, there is an initial rapid weight loss during the first 1 to 2 weeks, but this loss is largely fluid. The initial rapid loss of fluid also is regained rapidly when you return to a normal-calorie diet. Thus, a reasonable goal of weight loss should be expected. The program should be directed toward slow, steady weight loss unless your doctor feels your health condition would benefit from more rapid weight loss.
So, knowing all of this, and with that example (the audio program), you are ready to make a definition of the most effective weight loss program. This obsession with finding the one that is the official "best" is doing nothing good for you in anyway. There is no such thing as the best weight loss program. There is no such thing as the best diet. There is no such thing as the best workout. There is simply what works and what does not.
And if it works all you have to do is maintain the weight you achieved after that program. That program will always contain plans for weight maintenance. It is of little benefit to lose a large amount of weight only to regain it.
The program you select should help you improve your dietary habits, increase your physical activity, and help you change other lifestyle habits that may have contributed to your weight gain in the past. Weight maintenance is the most difficult part of controlling weight and is not consistently implemented in weight-loss programs.
Being overweight is too often viewed as a temporary problem that can be treated for a few months with a strenuous diet. Any effective weight loss program is based on the actual way the human body loses weight without any trick. Fancy marketing makes other programs appear as though it is the most effective weight loss program available. If followed correctly it is impossible for it to not work. An effective program is not based on a gimmick as I said. It's simply what works, and that is all you really need.
I am a nutritionist woman who used to be fat. After testing tens of so-called "wonder diets" I've decided to create a Weight Loss Programs Review Website, containing a top of the 3 best programs with a brief description about their features and benefits.Visit the website! It will help you make a wise decision!
Most Effective Weight Loss Program
For example one of the most efficient weight loss programs is audio program that control your weight through special sounds and help you to achieve rapid and permanent weight loss. Deeply engrained, subconscious thoughts and beliefs – also known as “self-talk” – are what determine your eating and exercise habits. If these thoughts are negative, they can result in a negative, overweight self-image and self-destructive behavior.
What Does a Weight-Loss Program the “Most Effective”?
• That program must be safe. Does not matter if you create your own program or use a commercial one, all you have to do is to be sure it’s safe. A safe diet should include all of the recommended daily allowances for vitamins, minerals and protein. A weight-loss diet should not be low in essential vitamins or minerals, only in calories.
• With an efficient program you will have a slow steady weight-loss, and for this you should not worry about your weight. Because when you get ride of the fat it won’t come back. Expect to lose only about a pound a week after the first week or two. With many calorie-restricted diets, there is an initial rapid weight loss during the first 1 to 2 weeks, but this loss is largely fluid. The initial rapid loss of fluid also is regained rapidly when you return to a normal-calorie diet. Thus, a reasonable goal of weight loss should be expected. The program should be directed toward slow, steady weight loss unless your doctor feels your health condition would benefit from more rapid weight loss.
So, knowing all of this, and with that example (the audio program), you are ready to make a definition of the most effective weight loss program. This obsession with finding the one that is the official "best" is doing nothing good for you in anyway. There is no such thing as the best weight loss program. There is no such thing as the best diet. There is no such thing as the best workout. There is simply what works and what does not.
And if it works all you have to do is maintain the weight you achieved after that program. That program will always contain plans for weight maintenance. It is of little benefit to lose a large amount of weight only to regain it.
The program you select should help you improve your dietary habits, increase your physical activity, and help you change other lifestyle habits that may have contributed to your weight gain in the past. Weight maintenance is the most difficult part of controlling weight and is not consistently implemented in weight-loss programs.
Being overweight is too often viewed as a temporary problem that can be treated for a few months with a strenuous diet. Any effective weight loss program is based on the actual way the human body loses weight without any trick. Fancy marketing makes other programs appear as though it is the most effective weight loss program available. If followed correctly it is impossible for it to not work. An effective program is not based on a gimmick as I said. It's simply what works, and that is all you really need.
I am a nutritionist woman who used to be fat. After testing tens of so-called "wonder diets" I've decided to create a Weight Loss Programs Review Website, containing a top of the 3 best programs with a brief description about their features and benefits.Visit the website! It will help you make a wise decision!
Most Effective Weight Loss Program
Wednesday, November 01, 2006
Knowing The Right Weight Loss Program For You
Most experts in the field of health and nutrition would agree that the last 20 years have been one of the worst times in the history of health and well being because more and more people suffer from world’s largest ‘epidemic’— obesity.
Studies also show that the risk factors of obesity also include heart disease, sleep apnea and other breathing problems, diabetes, hypertension, stroke, gallbladder diseases, and various forms of cancer. Since there are so many health risks involved, people who are obese or morbidly obese are finding solutions that can help them lose weight easily.
Obesity has indeed become a chronic condition through the years. Although it can be a “temporary problem” which can be solved and treated for a couple of months or years with a rigid diet, losing excessive weight gain is not always possible and easy.
For most obese people, it can be a frustrating and life-long effort if not addressed properly. In order to promote safe and effective weight loss, various weight loss programs have been created to provide long-term approach in controlling obesity. If you are determined to lose weight by enrolling into a specific weight loss program, here are some of the tips you can use to find that responsible and safe weight loss program for you.
- Make sure the diet is safe. You can do this by double-checking if the diet offered by the weight loss program includes the vitamins, minerals, and proteins required in the Recommended Daily Allowances (RDAs).- Check if the weigh loss diet offers low calories. Since too much calorie intake is one of the primary reasons of obesity, make sure that the diet provided by the weight loss program you are planning to enroll is low in calories and not in essential and essential contents.- A responsible weight loss program should be directed towards a slow and steady weight loss. Since weight loss cannot be achieved overnight, make sure that the weight loss program promotes slow but sure weight loss strategies. Most experts agree that the safest weight loss is about a pound a week after the first 2 weeks. It is expected that since many weight loss programs based losing weight with calorie-restricted diets, you will experience rapid weight loss during the 2 weeks. Don’t worry because this loss is mainly fluid and can be regained quickly when you go back to a normal-calorie diet. Unless your physician thinks that losing weight rapidly is best for your health condition would benefit, stick to gradual weight loss.- The weight loss program can give you an idea how much weight you should and you could lose, can present to you the appropriate weight-loss program for your body’s condition, and can give you a rough estimate on how much weight you should lose in a specific period of time.- Check if the weight loss program you are planning to enroll with offers weight maintenance plans after the weight loss phase. A safe weight loss program must ensure the safety and effectivity of the weight loss diet by monitoring its after effects. Inquire if the weight loss program offers weight maintenance because it is the most difficult part of controlling weight.- Make sure that the weight program can help you permanently change your lifestyle towards healthy living. A responsible weight loss program should help the person change his/her dietary habits as well as the level of physical activity in order to avoid repeating the factors that led him/her to obesity before.- Look for behavior modification help. The weight loss program should include education in healthy eating habits and long-term plans in dealing with weight problems. It should also include individually tailored exercise programs for the student.- Keep an eye on financial transparency. Make sure that the weight loss program provides a detailed statement of fees and actual costs of additional items like dietary supplements in your bill.
Dr Nathalie Fiset is a family doctor and a certified hypnotherapist. For more information go to: or
Knowing The Right Weight Loss Program For You
Studies also show that the risk factors of obesity also include heart disease, sleep apnea and other breathing problems, diabetes, hypertension, stroke, gallbladder diseases, and various forms of cancer. Since there are so many health risks involved, people who are obese or morbidly obese are finding solutions that can help them lose weight easily.
Obesity has indeed become a chronic condition through the years. Although it can be a “temporary problem” which can be solved and treated for a couple of months or years with a rigid diet, losing excessive weight gain is not always possible and easy.
For most obese people, it can be a frustrating and life-long effort if not addressed properly. In order to promote safe and effective weight loss, various weight loss programs have been created to provide long-term approach in controlling obesity. If you are determined to lose weight by enrolling into a specific weight loss program, here are some of the tips you can use to find that responsible and safe weight loss program for you.
- Make sure the diet is safe. You can do this by double-checking if the diet offered by the weight loss program includes the vitamins, minerals, and proteins required in the Recommended Daily Allowances (RDAs).- Check if the weigh loss diet offers low calories. Since too much calorie intake is one of the primary reasons of obesity, make sure that the diet provided by the weight loss program you are planning to enroll is low in calories and not in essential and essential contents.- A responsible weight loss program should be directed towards a slow and steady weight loss. Since weight loss cannot be achieved overnight, make sure that the weight loss program promotes slow but sure weight loss strategies. Most experts agree that the safest weight loss is about a pound a week after the first 2 weeks. It is expected that since many weight loss programs based losing weight with calorie-restricted diets, you will experience rapid weight loss during the 2 weeks. Don’t worry because this loss is mainly fluid and can be regained quickly when you go back to a normal-calorie diet. Unless your physician thinks that losing weight rapidly is best for your health condition would benefit, stick to gradual weight loss.- The weight loss program can give you an idea how much weight you should and you could lose, can present to you the appropriate weight-loss program for your body’s condition, and can give you a rough estimate on how much weight you should lose in a specific period of time.- Check if the weight loss program you are planning to enroll with offers weight maintenance plans after the weight loss phase. A safe weight loss program must ensure the safety and effectivity of the weight loss diet by monitoring its after effects. Inquire if the weight loss program offers weight maintenance because it is the most difficult part of controlling weight.- Make sure that the weight program can help you permanently change your lifestyle towards healthy living. A responsible weight loss program should help the person change his/her dietary habits as well as the level of physical activity in order to avoid repeating the factors that led him/her to obesity before.- Look for behavior modification help. The weight loss program should include education in healthy eating habits and long-term plans in dealing with weight problems. It should also include individually tailored exercise programs for the student.- Keep an eye on financial transparency. Make sure that the weight loss program provides a detailed statement of fees and actual costs of additional items like dietary supplements in your bill.
Dr Nathalie Fiset is a family doctor and a certified hypnotherapist. For more information go to: or
Knowing The Right Weight Loss Program For You
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